以前和外國人說話的時候我都會很緊張,而且腦子裡總是一片空白。我試著把中文句子翻譯成英文,但是就是不知道怎麼把自己的想法表達清楚。而且,有很多英文字詞,我只知道意思但不知道如何使用它們。 在淶特英語學習,我們總是花很多時間弄清楚單詞的意思和用法,並且花很多時間在說英文及造句子上。這對我理解如何使用單詞非常有幫助,這不僅僅是理解意思,它還幫助我在說英文時建立了勇氣。 我非常感謝 Ian 老師的熱情和耐心。我很高興能在這個班級上學習!
Motivation and goals are crucial elements that drive individuals toward success and fulfillment in their lives. They act as catalysts, providing direction and purpose and help individuals overcome obstacles and challenges along their lives.
Motivation and goals are crucial elements that drive individuals toward success and fulfillment in their lives. They act as catalysts, providing direction and purpose and help individuals overcome obstacles and challenges along their lives.