LITE Students Make Progress

I have been teaching the students of one class using the LITE curriculum for five months. My students were already able to speak some English when they came to me originally and they began at the last beginner level.

That level took five weeks and then they went into the first Intermediate Level and now they are near the end of the second Intermediate Level.

I would say that my class really enjoys their time in the classroom. They are usually laughing and joking with each other while they are learning. They have become very confident with their dexterity in using the different English tenses and through repeated practice are now generally using the tenses correctly, or are quickly able to recognize when they have made a mistake and correct themselves. This is a real leap forward in ability from when they first joined the class. At that time the students were very shy and unconfident, but that quickly changed.

We are now handling quite advanced grammar forms, but due to the gradient approach, the students are adapting quickly to the new material and are able to add it to their existing repertoire.
This is one of the key elements of the LITE English system, in that the courses build upon simple basics and stress them repeatedly through constant review from different approaches until the students are very conversant and able to use the forms easily.

In my last class the students were grappling with a new vocabulary series and making sentences to each other in the class. There was quite a lot of banter between the students as they made examples, demonstrating their mastery of the grammar forms they had learned. I could sense as the teacher that my students had achieved a new level of familiarity and ease with English that wasn’t present at the beginning of this level, and I think the students sensed it too. There was a moment in the class when they all became silent, listening carefully and with focus to each other as they made examples and evaluating the grammar being used – not only in crafting the sentences, but also in listening and verifying that the form being used by their partner was correct.

It was one of those moments of magic that occasionally occurs in my classroom. Shortly the moment passed and the students returned to their usual banter and laughter and we continued with the class as usual.

But our morale was quite high because we knew we had achieved a new benchmark in linguistic ability using the LITE English learning system. It really is a great feeling.


Written by Ian




LITE 學生的進步


我已經使用 LITE 課程教授這一班學生有五個月了。學生們在來我這裡之前已經能說一些英文,他們當初開始時是在最初級的水平上。



我們現在在學習相當高級的語法,但由於漸進式的方法,學生們迅速適應了新的內容,並能夠將其加到他們現有的知識庫中。這是 LITE 英文系統的一個關鍵元素之一,課程建立簡單的基礎之上,然後透過不同的方法不斷地重複、強調,直到學生們非常熟悉並能夠輕鬆地使用這些語法。





由 Ian 老師撰寫
